Whimsical Animals
Mixed Media Art
This little fun Whimsical Animal Workshop is just very special to me. I truly loved drawing these little creatures, they were so much fun and I really want to share with you all the fun I had. We will be creating three lovely little colorful and whimsical mixed media projects. I use chipboard but you can substitute for what ever strikes your fancy, no restrictions just creative play. We draw 2 together but we use three of the animals in our projects, and what fun they are to work with. You will be able to add these fun loving little animals to many different projects, there are no limits to the imagination. There are actually 9 downloads of these sweet little animals, I added a bonus animal in just because I felt like doing an extra one for you. I would love for you to join me on this new creative journey that I am offering to you. Let's have fun together and add a little Whimsy to our lives… See you there.
Videos are downloadable…
Rita Marie
Welcome Video
Whimsical Animals 8 + 1 Bonus
Workshop 1 The Kitty
The Dog